New generation of KOSE concentrated fluid and oil removal beauty mask- 22 pieces
Since it has been introduce to the market, it has been always been selling at an affordable price and providing outstanding results, therefore it has been love and praise by majority of its users.
07.8月, KOSE公司在第一代面膜的基础上,更推出了新的加量升级版。新面膜比原来含有更多的美容液,所以DD的份量变重了哦~ 而且改良了多处面膜的裁剪,在眼部下方增加了活动的位置,侧面延伸到了耳朵部位,可以照顾到更多的脸部肌肤,也让面膜能更伏贴适合自己的脸型,更充分的吸收美容液的精华,不会让原来照顾不到的褶皱部分,产生干燥的小细纹哦。
The first generation of KOSE face mask has been introduced since August 2007, since then many upgrades and improvements have been done to this unique mask; the new mask contains more than the original beauty fluid, so the amount of re-DD also gradually increase. The mask also has been cutted to more comfortable and suitable size and shape to increase more easy activities under the eye position also fitted perfectly. The new shapes of the mask will make sure that all fine lines on the face will be taken care of.
the 5 incisions cutting has elastic stretching effects. This 5 incision method also provide comfort when placing on face.
the KOSE face mask has High concentrations of strong pressure sealing liquid, solid tactile quality material, and concentrate more breathable moisture.
It takes care of the eye to by adding one molding Eye Mask, and even weeks of dry eye muscles can absorb the full essence of fluid, all-round moisture provided throughout the eye area. (Q10 except)
高保溼玻尿酸精華液配合The essence of high moisture combined with hyaluronic acid:
Weak acid, no spices, no pigment

the original KOSE Face Masks are packed in carton, 5 pieces in one carton; the new version of a family is this hard-boxed edition, the new hard-boxed version can be loaded with 22 pieces of KOSE face Mask. The new hard-box can be opened and closed repeatedly, it easy and hygienic. The outer box has adhesive; easy to differentiate used or unused box.
Maritime KOSE Moisture Mask is the best selling addition, the prices in Hong Kong and Taiwan are more expensive than malaysia, if the skin resulting from severe water shortage due to the sensitive, grease secretion of abnormal phenomenon, the marine and moisturizing mask is the best option: It can help quickly to add the necessary moisture, 5 minutes to relieve the phenomenon of sensitive skin, calm the skin, helps skin maintain oil balance of the water at the same time, This mask also cut down the effect of Huang Qi, a gloomy dull skin.
IT has a moisturizing effect and removed excess oil on the face. Resulting in a shining and
healthy face skin.
来光泽 明亮,美白动人。
the mask consist of plant extract ingredients with no fragrance, no coloring. However it
provides Moisture Serum with quick, five minutes to Beautiful Skin balanced fill wetlands in
order to bring luster skin bright and whitening moving.
经、敷敖 即刻使肌肤呈现无与伦比的完美质感。
100% of the collagen fibers and natural moisturizing factor - hyaluronic acid made of delicate
texture, the new water-based, and non-irritating, upon, Ao Shikishima unparalleled instantly
make a perfect skin texture

New 22 pieces in a Box, Super good Deal!★
想淨白美肌/恢復彈力/保持年輕/補充水分通通有!一款都不少~ ★ Purchase 4 Types of KOSE Mask to guarantees Whitening Face, Restore elasticity,Restore young baby type skin and always moisturize.


【粉紅色】KOSE 膠原甦活整肌面膜-22入

【橘色】KOSE Q10緊緻活膚嫩白面膜-22入

【黃色】KOSE 高效保濕玻尿酸面膜-22入
1 Box RM 53.00
2 Box Rm 100.00
4 Box for RM190.00
6 Box for RM270.00
日本KOSE原裝進口~ 網友好評推薦~ 每個女生都需要膠原蛋白才不會皮膚鬆弛喔!好評大推薦 Super亮白成份,超群優異美容液面膜 新登場!!添加海洋性膠原蛋白強化肌膚循環,飽滿緊實。海洋性膠原蛋白與植物精華配合,深層浸透、恢復肌膚彈力與透明度美丽艺能界强力推荐,补充真皮层满满的胶原蛋白。
Original KOSE Face Mask imported from Japan is most favorable recommendation for all ladies; every girl will need skin collagen this is a must and cannot be reluctant. The NEW debut of Liquid Mask with Super large white composition, outstanding beauty Chaoqun, is the top recommendation. The new mask will add to strengthen maritime skin collagen cycle of full compaction. Marine collagen protein and plant extracts with deep immersion and restore skin elasticity and transparency of the beautiful art community strongly recommended to supplement the full dermal collagen
添加胶原蛋白精华的美容液,养分集中滋润脸部给予肌肤由里到外的呵护,只需短短的5 分钟,肌肤即能感受到水嫩弹性的感觉喔~
The New Mask has the essence of collagen protein liquid, it neutralize the concentration of moisture from the face to give skin care best results from the in the outside and inside of the skin. This process only takes a short span of five minutes only. After that the skin can feel the sense of flexibility and moist.Usage: Please use the face mask on cleaning and dried face. Wait for 5 minutes after applying the mask. Lightly massage the residual on your face after removing the mask.
Recommended use of Area: full-face
The best use of time: After Cleansing, Exfoliating at night before bed.
(I found that many Kose Mask import from China selling in Malaysia market, esp. in Pasar Pagi or Pasar Malam, and they are just selling RM28 - RM35. Friendly to remind all the Pretty please careful to choose the right product in that market.)
***Our Kose Mask is Original import from Japan, Not from China***
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