依洛嘉是來自法國的一個品牌,2006年8月,由依洛嘉國際(原台灣美人) 引進台灣,每月創下萬片的銷售業績,大受使用者的歡迎。2007年推出 第二代產品,除成分效果更好外,亦加入立體剪裁,使產品本身更服貼, 並在2007年5月,通過了台灣SGS檢驗認証,100%不含防腐劑、重金屬、 微生物、瑩光劑等,讓您美的放心。2008年,推出第三代。(2007年底搶先 推出2008款)加入了頂級的EGF成分,走平價路線,但卻保証沙龍品質, 讓您只買對的,不買貴的。
ELG(依洛嘉), a renowned French brand which was brought into the Taiwanese market by ELG(依洛嘉)International. in August 2006, has received overwhelming response from consumers and has recorded monthly sales of over 10,000. In year 2007, it introduced the second-generation product, which does not only incorporate improved quality ingredients, but also add in a three-dimensional cutting, tailored to better suit the user’s body. In May 2007, ELG(依洛嘉)was certified by Taiwanese SGS certification standard, and has proven to be 100% free from preservatives, heavy metals, micro-between affordable pricing, and better quality, so that you can be rest assured you’ll only buy the right product, and not the expensive product.
What is the difference between ELG(依洛嘉) and other face mask and eye mask?
加入美容品中最頂級的EGF成分,採用了完全進口的製造工藝,面膜完全水晶 透明,可以更快地在熱水中融化,其精華液成分可用來保養身體. 水晶面膜為天 然植物膠原蛋白所製成,特殊的高分子結構存較其他面膜高出10倍養份與水份 ,可將面膜功效發揮到極致 。 水晶面膜可深入皮膚底層的深層保濕促進皮膚代謝與新生,且幾乎完全緊密貼 膚,甚至可隨著毛孔或肌膚紋理的凹洞起伏緊貼,所以可以讓活性成分到達肌膚 的任何一個死角,即使是毛孔或皺紋等一般材質不可能接觸到的部位都沒有死 角.水晶面膜具有智慧型自我調節能力,含有高濃度精華液,且不容易散失可維 持長時間穩定的釋放出活性成分,所以即使使用時間過長,也完全沒有反吸收 肌膚的水分與養分的問題! 加入美容品中最頂級的EGF成分使用說明: 眼膜 : 敷後可將眼袋膜泡入熱水當中溶化 泡澡或泡腳。 面膜 : 洗臉後敷於臉上30分鐘左右 果凍膜會越敷越薄透, 不需清洗直接後續保養。 賣家的小小建議: 水晶面膜著重在膚質狀況的調整與改善,活性精華成分濃度適中,適合經常使用, 所以建議每週使用2~3次或隔天使用一次於提升保養品效果與吸收率等用途. 如果面部沒有什麼大問題出現,不用每日敷,畢竟皮膚的吸收能力有限,長期下來 會是一種浪費,所以一星期用2次維持肌膚狀態已經非常足夠,如果你堅持每天 敷一塊,請每天敷不同口味的。
This prestigious product contains the key ingredient, EGF, a premium product in the beauty industry, as well as the employment of imported technology, resulting in a transparent, crystal-like facial mask which comforts and pampers your skin.This facial mask may be instantly melted in hot water,so that its essence may be used to work wonders on the rest of your body. This crystal mask is made from natural plant protein, which is comparably 10 times higher than normal masks in terms of nutrients and moisture, thus effectively rejuvenating, revitalize, as well as replenishes your skin.The crystal facial mask works to boost your skin's cellular activity and collagen production while soothing your skin. Immediately following the treatment, your skin will feel much softer,leaving your complexion appearing supple, smooth, and radiant. Although the mask is rich with nutritious essences, they won't absorb the moisture from your skin even if you've accidentally left it on for too long.
Cosmetics to join the most top-level element of the use of the EGF Description:
眼膜 Eye mask:After using it, you may melt it in hot water to soak yourself or your feet.
只要小小的一片,全身就都能吸收到最顶级的呵护哦 ~~~
Gold -Dilute Spot Whitening Arbutin jelly Crystal Eye Mask
成份: 熊果素,左旋C,胶原蛋白,EGF,纯水,保湿剂
Ingredient: Arbutin, L-C, collagen, EGF, water, humectant
效果: 减轻眼袋和淡化黑眼圈。
Effect : Effectively reduces and lighten eye bags/dark circles. 银色-珍珠精華晢白水晶果凍眼膜
Silver - Pearl Essence Bright White jelly crystal Eye Mask
成份: 海水珍珠粉,玻尿酸,胶原蛋白,EGF,纯水,保湿剂
Ingredient: Seawater pearl powder, hyaluronic acid, collagen, EGF, water, humectant
Effect :Black eye reduction, increase skin elasticity, and Extra-Firming Eye. 蓝色-海藻鎖水保濕水晶果凍眼膜
Blue - water algae lock moisture jelly Crystal Eye Mask
Ingredient: Extract seaweed, green tea polyphenols, collagen, EGF, water, humectant
Effect : Hydrate can reduce wrinkles around the eyes and fine lines. 绿色-蘆薈控油去痘水晶眼膜
Green - Aloe Vera Jelly Crystal Eye Mask
Ingredient: Aloe Essence, Chamomile, collagen, EGF, water, humectant
Effect :control Oily, especially those oil fat particles. 橘黄色-鮮橙C美白保濕水晶眼膜
Orange -Orange C Whitening Moisturizing Crystal jelly Eye Mask
Ingredient: Victoria orange C, lemons, collagen, EGF, water, humectant
Effect: Hydrate may be added nutrition around the lack of eyes and reduce the dark circles.
Pink - red wine polyphenols whitening anti-wrinkle crystal jelly Eye Mask
Ingredient: Red wine polyphenols, grape extract, collagen, EGF, water, humectant
Effect:Hydrate can enhance the skin around the eyes, it also has whitening effect
1. 敷眼膜前需要徹底清潔肌膚 不要管眼睛上是否化了彩妝,徹底地清潔肌膚都是非常徹底地清潔 肌膚都是非常必要的,卸妝油這個步驟絕不能跳過。
2. 將眼膜冷藏 冰冰的眼膜會令浮腫的眼睛得到絕對的舒緩。
3. 敷眼膜之前先熱敷 敷眼膜之前,最好能够先用熱毛巾熱敷一下眼睛,這樣再敷上冰冰的眼膜時,對于眼部的迴圈會更理想。
4. 敷眼膜要有方向感 對于布式的眼膜來說,要從眼頭向眼尾的方向敷,而乳狀的眼膜,也要從眼頭塗向眼尾,千萬不可以來回塗。
5. 敷眼膜的位置要精准 眼膜到底敷在哪里呢?建議的最佳距離是眼睛下面3毫米的地方,而且只限于下眼。因爲上眼的肌膚比較薄對營養的吸收能力比較有限。如果要敷在上眼,只限于對抗眼睛浮腫。
6. 敷眼膜的時間 這要看每一種眼膜的不同要求,但不可以敷過長的時間,否則恐怕會適得其反。
7. 眼霜是眼膜的親密夥伴 不是說敷了眼膜就足够了,一定要在敷眼膜之後搽上眼霜,這樣才能讓眼部肌膚得到更好的滋潤,如果單單靠敷眼膜,取下後眼部肌膚會有緊綳感,反倒會催生細紋。
8. 敷眼膜的最佳時機 :
9. 眼膜不能每天敷 如果每天敷,會長油脂粒的!此外,更不能敷著眼膜睡覺,否則一旦眼膜中的精華液全部揮發了,會帶走肌膚中的水分!
10. 眼膜的多重功效 你額頭的表情紋、眼角的小細紋、幹紋都逃不過它的魔力。 眼睛是最容易說出女人年齡秘密的部位,要好好對待它哦,小心泄密。
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